As Christians, we will go through seasons of doubting. Seasons where we are more prone to question whether we are truly saved or not. For some of us, this could be a life-long battle of wrestling with questions of salvation. It's a serious trial. But consider these two simple, but soul-fortifying truths about doubt and assurance.
1. Doubt and faith are not incompatible. Being a Christian doesn't mean never having doubts about your salvation. In fact, John wrote his first letter in large part to assure doubting Christians of their faith: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13). He is writing to people who believe, but still need assurance that they are not believing in vain. Far from being mutually exclusive, doubt is one of the Devil's favorite weapons to use against believers. In other words, if you are a Christian, you can almost count on periods of uncertainty as Satan and the forces of evil try you. Even recognizing that fact can bring a measure of assurance. You are able to say, "Okay, this is normal."
2. God will never keep out those who want in. We can sometimes be plagued with the notion that we are not doing enough to keep our status of "saved." We can think that our sins or even our doubts have lost us favor with God. We want to be saved, but we're just not good enough for it. Friends: there is no such thing as wanting to be saved and not being saved. Sometimes people can twist the doctrine of election into just that: God sending people to hell who have been pleading to get into heaven. But it doesn't work that way. God is wishing that none should perish and that all would seek repentance. And the moment that someone cries out to Christ as Lord and calls upon the name of God they are saved. Period.
So if that is you today, if you are wanting to be near God but doubting your ability, or doubting your commitment, know that you are looking at it backwards. It's about God's ability. It's about His commitment. When the season of doubt comes, steep yourself in His Word and in His promises. Look away from yourself and to God. That's the only thing that will secure us in our moments of uncertainty.