Ongoing Ministries


Weekly Sunday School

Sunday School runs from 11:30AM–12:15PM. Classes are provided for all ages. September through May.

Fellowship Meals

Join us for our monthly Fellowship Meal after morning worship the second Sunday each month!


A fully staffed nursery for both services is located off the foyer near the Sanctuary for children 0-3yrs old.

Prayer Meeting

We meet the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at the church to intercede for the needs of the saints.

Women's Evening Bible Study

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the church, 7pm. Contact Sarah Gunst for more information.

Women's Morning Bible Study

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 9am at the church. This semester they will be studying the book of Judges. Childcare is provided. Contact Melissa Bekius or Kerri Ann Cruse for more information.


1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 5:30 PM. Midweek is a time of fellowship and formation. Fellowship: promoting the church’s call to love one another and share in all of life together. Formation: providing rich discipleship opportunities for all ages, deepening our understanding of God and His Word. Childcare is provided.

An opportunity for the men to join together in reading, celebrating, and discussing passages from past theologians in the church’s rich history, and exploring their significance for us today. Meets 7pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at a members home.

Dead Theologians Society

Men's Breakfast

Men of all ages meet at 8:30am on the second Saturday of the month for breakfast, a brief devotional, and fellowship.

Women’s Prayer

Women of all ages are invited to join in prayer on Sunday mornings before service at 9:40am in classroom 3. Contact Angie Vreeman for more information or to give specific prayer requests.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s ministry exists to help women establish covenant relationships with godly women who will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory. Their vision is to complement and support the work of our pastor, elders and deacons in a way that nurtures and equips women for growth and service and promotes a comprehensive biblical view of men and women.

Music Camp

Every summer we open our doors to the children of our surrounding community for a week-long camp of music and drama (running from 9:30-12:30, Mon-Fri)! For years children from the ages of 5-12 have come to learn about the truth of God's Word through song. The camp culminates in a brief musical drama performance for family and friends on Saturday. The 2025 Music Camp is planned for June 23–28.

High schoolers join us the 1st & 3rd Sunday after service for a time of learning, fellowship, and supper (7:10–8:45PM). Meet at the piano in the fellowship hall before service so we can sit together in worship.

Youth Group