

God Loves the Cheerful Giver

Let your contentment come from “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). Imagine how lifeless Paul’s command to give from the heart would be if Christ were not in our hearts by His Spirit. But since Christ fills us, cheerful giving must flow out.

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Jonathan Cruse
God Loves the Purposeful Giver

God gives to us so that we would give back to Him, by His grace, an abundance of what we first received. We do this by investing our gifts into people, places, and things that will yield an increase for Christ’s kingdom on earth. This cannot happen by carelessly tossing a few dollars into the offering plate every so often. The use of God’s resources requires more diligence than that.

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Jonathan Cruse
God Loves the Generous Giver

Our giving reflects our understanding of the gospel. Knowing how generously God has given to us in the gospel will loosen our hold on our finances and let them flow freely into things that are of lasting value.

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Jonathan Cruse
Lean on Me

To lean on something is to receive support from its steadiness when we are weak and wobbly. This is an external picture of what it means to trust inwardly with our hearts. When we trust in God, we lean our failing and faint hearts up against His and therefore are established.

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Jonathan Cruse
By This We Know Love

Brothers and sisters, if you want to know what love is look to the cross. See your Savior graciously giving his life for you. See him dying a death that should have been yours to die. See him bearing a punishment that should have been yours to bear. That is what John would have us do – look to Jesus: “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us.”

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Jonathan Cruse
The Trouble with Asking

But every time God answers “no,” we learn a little more about how to pray. We can say that, even though God did not answer this specific request, He did so to teach me patience, or trust, or humility, and maybe that’s what I should have been praying for all along! So whatever God’s response may be to our petitions, we are still better off for praying!

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Jonathan Cruse
So Few to Take Him

O, pity for evermore that there should be such a one as Christ Jesus, so boundless, so bottomless, and so incomparable in infinite excellency, and sweetness, and so few to take Him! O, ye poor dry dead souls, why will ye not come hither with your vessels and your empty souls to this huge, and fair, and deep, and sweet well of life, and fill all your vessels?

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Jonathan Cruse
The Gentleness of Jesus

For though we are a bruised reed, Jesus will not break us. He is gentle. How does He show this gentleness to us? By being broken for us. We are so delicate that we could never hope to take the harsh blow that God’s justice requires, so Jesus took it for us.

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Jonathan Cruse
God's Glory Alone

God’s glory is the splendid, majestic, and marvelous manifestation of any and all of His attributes. God’s glory is everything that makes Him God. And can you imagine claiming that as our own for even one second?

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Jonathan Cruse
Scripture Alone

Inasmuch as it is the rule of all truth, containing all that is necessary for the service of God and for our salvation, it is not lawful for me, nor even for angels, to add to it, to take away from it, or to change it.

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Jonathan Cruse