

Why Should I Attend a Bible Study?

We need to spend more time in God's Word, not less. Dedicating a portion of our busy schedule, perhaps weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, is an important step in forming within us godly priorities. If we don't intentionally make the time for it, the time will be taken up by something else. We need to make our priorities align with God's, and group studies are a helpful tool to do just that.

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Jonathan Cruse
Remembering and Rejoicing

The biblical model is that remembering will always lead to rejoicing. How could it do anything else, when God is always good all the time? As one commentator says, "Remembering former times builds up confidence for the present and hope for the future."

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Kerri Ann Cruse
The Trinity and Prayer

Prayer is an essential means by which we can commune (fellowship) with God—and not just God as an abstract being, but God as a personal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Trinity gives Himself to us in the work of prayer. Prayer wouldn’t even be possible if not for the Trinity.

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Kerri Ann Cruse
Run the Race: with Endurance

So too in the Christian life we must prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. This is what it means to "count the cost" of following Christ. There's a price to be paid. It won't be easy. Discipleship requires endurance.

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Jonathan Cruse
The Long-Expected Jesus

"Come, Thou long-expected Jesus!" The opening line of this great Christmas hymn encapsulates the desire of every Israelite pre-Christ’s birth.  In fact, it’s a bit of an understatement.  Christ was certainly “long-expected”… but just how long had people been waiting for him?

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Jonathan Cruse
The Reformers on Baptism

We need to reclaim the language of the Reformers, who often spoke of “looking back” to their baptism as a way of strengthening their faith and dispersing their doubts. Martin Luther once said, “The only way to drive away the Devil is through faith in Christ, by saying: ‘I am a child of God, I am baptized, I believe in Jesus Christ crucified for me.”

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Jonathan Cruse
The Reformation and the Church

Reformers argued that the church’s role was not magesterial but ministerial. The church wasn’t meant to lord authority over the Christian people, but rather come alongside them and support them in life through ministering the Word of God.

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Jonathan Cruse

We can think that our sins or even our doubts have lost us favor with God. We want to be saved, but we're just not good enough for it. Friends: there is no such thing as wanting to be saved and not being saved.

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Jonathan Cruse
A Human Savior

Perhaps we have so fantasized and mythologized the life of Christ that we forget this fact. When we think of Jesus we think of halos and clouds and beams of light. No—Christ was a human just like you and me.  He had skin, hair, fingernails.  His voice changed, he grew out of his clothes, he would get hungry, thirsty. That “just five more minutes” feeling we get in the morning—Jesus knew all of that. 

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Jonathan Cruse
Only Christ

The difference between authentic Christianity and some perversion of it is that the perversion will have the handprints of man all over it, authentic Christianity will only have the handprints of Christ. Real Christianity is only Christ.

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Jonathan Cruse
Sovereign and Good

But in all of God’s sovereignty is actually the proof of His goodness. He does what is good for His people and for His glory. A sovereign God who is not good is a terror. A good God who is not sovereign is an idol.

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Jonathan Cruse
What Is the Lord's Supper? Part IX

This is a meal that is not set for the world. It is a meal for God’s people, for those who are in Christ. Our sinful habits and behaviors can often overwhelm and discourage us to the point where we think we don’t have a seat at the Table. But ask yourself this: is Christ in me? Am I in Him by faith? If so, no matter what sin you are struggling with, then there's an open invitation.

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Jonathan Cruse
In All Your Ways...

When a Christian leaves home in the morning, he must remember he is at Christ's disposal; he is not to do as he pleases, but to be guided by rule, and for God's glory--not only in his duties or immediate conversation with God, but in his sports, business, and recreations.

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Jonathan Cruse